Recommender wrappers
This example demonstrates the importance of recommender wrappers. Below, you can see a website content and if you wait a couple of seconds, you will see that a recommender appears and pushes the content down. This push is what is called a "layout shift", part of the core web vitals which affect your SEO ranking. You want to avoid the content shift by preparing the recommender placeholders. The loading of the recommender is intentionally delayed, but if you missed it, just reload the page and wait a couple of seconds.
This example is best seen on desktop, where you can see the version with and without placeholder in 2 columns next to each other.
Example starts below
Nunc mollis, purus nec placerat congue, dolor nulla ultricies diam, ac aliquam metus neque non metus. Proin malesuada, nunc quis finibus tincidunt, augue nibh consequat quam, nec porta quam erat a nisi. Suspendisse est nisl, fringilla egestas justo non, placerat tincidunt nunc. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus.
Nunc mollis, purus nec placerat congue, dolor nulla ultricies diam, ac aliquam metus neque non metus. Proin malesuada, nunc quis finibus tincidunt, augue nibh consequat quam, nec porta quam erat a nisi. Suspendisse est nisl, fringilla egestas justo non, placerat tincidunt nunc. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus.