Reference models

Luigi's Box offers wide scale of standard recommedender models. Each model needs to be trained first. Once everything is set up, you will be given the recommender_type to use in recommendation requests described in API section. Please contact our support to discuss the options in detail. If needed, these models can be customized to your specific use case, or, we can prepare fully customized models. The table below lists the standard models.

Each recommender is personalized for users who granted cookie consent. The models consider user preferences based on sent user itendifier (user id) and boost products with characteristics similar to user's past interactions. The most of the models accept also product / category / brand resource identifier (product / category / brand id - typically url or id).

Recommender type Short description Location Input
test_reco Simple, most popular recommender to test client requests. Arbitrary None
item_detail_alternatives Similar products / alternatives recommender preferring slightly more expensive products compared to input product (upsell). Product detail page (PDP) product id, user id (optional)
item_detail_complements Related products usually bought together (cross-sell) with input product. By default, recommender prefers cheaper products (complements). Products are diversified by category to offer variety of different products if possible. General product detail complements model fits to the most industry segments. Some specific segments have their own model (described below). Product detail page (PDP) product id, user id (optional)
basket Related products usually bought together (cross-sell) with all products already in the basket. By default, recommender prefers cheaper products (complements). Products are diversified by category to offer variety of different products if possible. This general basket detail model fits to the most industry segments. Some specific segments have their own model (described below). Basket detail product ids, user id (optional)
basket_popup Related products usually bought together (cross-sell) with a product most recently added into the basket. By default, recommender prefers cheaper products (complements). Products are diversified by category to offer variety of different products if possible. General basket popup model fits to the most industry segments. Some specific segments have their own model (described below). Basket pop up window product id, user id (optional)
user_conversion_based Recommender offers products related (cross-sell) to previously purchased or trends (if user has no past interactions). The idea is to help user find more interesting products to buy. Arbitrary, usually homepage, 404 user id
user_click_based Recommender offers products similar to those clicked but not bought recently by the user / or trends (if user has no past interactions). The idea is to help user finish the purchase. Arbitrary, usually homepage, 404 user id
category Most relevant trending products, from input category for the user. Results are diversified to as much next level subcategories as possible. Product listing page (PLP) category id, user id (optional)
brand Most relevant trendy products from input brand for the user. Results are diversified to as much categories as possible. Product listing page (PLP) brand id, user id (optional)
top_categories Most relevant categories for the user. Used as a shortcut to user's preferred PLPs. Arbitrary, usually homepage, 404 user id
trends Most popular products. Could be used on homepage, in PLP to offer products from this category/brand only, in PDP (in combination with some filter) to offer e.g. popular products from the same collection. Could be ordered by different attribute than popularity (e.g., price_amount). Arbitrary, usually homepage, 404 user id (optional), category / brand / product id (optional)
news Novel products based on date of introduction (date attribute _introduced_at). Could be used on homepage, in PLP to offer products from this category/brand only, in PDP (in combination with some filter) to offer e.g. novel products from the same collection. Arbitrary, usually homepage, PLP user id (optional), category / brand / product id (optional)
news_by_label Popular products with defined label indicating novel products. By default it expects allowed products contain "label": "is_new" in attributes. Could be used on homepage, in PLP to offer products from this category/brand only, in PDP (in combination with some filter) to offer e.g. novel products from the same collection. Arbitrary, usually homepage, PLP user id (optional), category / brand / product id (optional)
discount Discounted products based on discount amount (numeric attributes price_amount and price_old_amount). Could be used on homepage, in PLP to offer products from this category/brand only, in PDP (in combination with some filter) to offer e.g. discounted products from the same collection. Arbitrary, usually homepage, PLP user id (optional), category / brand / product id (optional)
discount_by_label Popular products with defined label indicating discounted products. By default it expects allowed products contain "label": "is_sale" in attributes. Could be used on homepage, in PLP to offer products from this category/brand only, in PDP (in combination with some filter) to offer e.g. discounted products from the same collection. Arbitrary, usually homepage, PLP user id (optional), category / brand / product id (optional)
last_seen Products most recently visited by a user. Arbitrary user id
article_items Most relevant products based on the input article (blog post). Article detail page article id, user id (optional)
article_articles Most relevant articles based on the input article (blog post). Article detail page article id, user id (optional)
random Random products. It gets more useful when combined with some characteristic, e.g., new products added within last month, discounted products, products from same brand as input product. Arbitrary user id (optional), category / brand / product id (optional)
random_news Random novel products based on date of introduction (date attribute _introduced_at). An example of random recommender usage. It recommends primarily random products upto 30 days old, then 60, 90. could be combined with more filters, e.g. from certain category. Arbitrary user id (optional), category / brand / product id (optional)

As some industry segments have their specifics, we identified several segment specific models adjusting abovementioned models.

Recommender type Industry segment Short description Location Input
item_detail_complements_books_games Books & Games Related products usually bought together (cross-sell) with input product. Products are diversified by category to offer variety of different products if possible. In comparison to general complements model, it doesn't prefer cheaper products, also it allows recommendation from exactly same category. Product detail page (PDP) product id, user id (optional)
basket_books_games Books & Games Basket detail recommender modified for books & games industry segment. Related products usually bought together (cross-sell) with all products already in the basket. Products are diversified by category to offer variety of different products if possible. In comparison to general basket model, it doesn't prefer cheaper products, also it allows recommendation from exactly same category. Basket detail product ids, user id (optional)
basket_popup_books_games Books & Games Basket popup recommender modified for books & games industry segment. Related products usually bought together (cross-sell) with a product most recently added into the basket. Products are diversified by category to offer variety of different products if possible. In comparison to general basket popup model, it doesn't prefer cheaper products, also it allows recommendation from exactly same category. Basket pop up window product id, user id (optional)
item_detail_complements_food_beverages Food & Beverages Related products usually bought together (cross-sell) with input product. Products are diversified by category to offer variety of different products if possible. In comparison to general complements model, it prefers previously bought products and don't filter out expensive products. Product detail page (PDP) product id, user id (optional)
basket_food_beverages Food & Beverages Basket detail recommender modified for fast-moving consumer goods, typically from food and beverages industry segment. Related products usually bought together (cross-sell) with all products already in the basket. Products are diversified by category to offer variety of different products if possible. In comparison to general basket model, it prefers previously bought products and don't filter out expensive products. Basket detail product ids, user id (optional)
basket_popup_food_beverages Food & Beverages Basket popup recommender modified for fast-moving consumer goods, typically food and beverages industry segment. Related products usually bought together (cross-sell) with a product most recently added into the basket. Products are diversified by category to offer variety of different products if possible. In comparison to general basket popup model, it prefers previously bought products and don't filter out expensive products. Basket pop up window product id, user id (optional)
item_detail_complements_luxury_goods_jewelry Luxury goods & Jewelry Related products usually bought together (cross-sell) with input product. Products are diversified by category to offer variety of different products if possible. In comparison to general complements model, it prefers products of similar price. Product detail page (PDP) product id, user id (optional)
basket_luxury_goods_jewelry Luxury goods & Jewelry Basket detail recommender modified for luxury goods & jewelry industry segment. Related products usually bought together (cross-sell) with all products already in the basket. Products are diversified by category to offer variety of different products if possible. In comparison to general basket model, it prefers products of similar price. Basket detail product ids, user id (optional)
basket_popup_luxury_goods_jewelry Luxury goods & Jewelry Basket popup recommender modified for luxury goods & jewelry industry segment. Related products usually bought together (cross-sell) with a product most recently added into the basket. Products are diversified by category to offer variety of different products if possible. In comparison to general basket popup model, it prefers products of similar price. Basket pop up window product id, user id (optional)
item_detail_complements_medical_cosmetics Pharma / Medical, Cosmetics & Body care Related products usually bought together (cross-sell) with input product. By default, recommender prefers cheaper products (complements). Products are diversified by category to offer variety of different products if possible. In comparison to general complements model, it prefers products from more different categories. Product detail page (PDP) product id, user id (optional)
basket_medical_cosmetics Pharma / Medical, Cosmetics & Body care Basket detail recommender modified for medical, cosmetics & body care industry segments. Related products usually bought together (cross-sell) with all products already in the basket. Products are diversified by category to offer variety of different products if possible. In comparison to general basket model, it prefers products from more different categories. Basket detail product ids, user id (optional)
basket_popup_medical_cosmetics Pharma / Medical, Cosmetics & Body care Basket popup recommender modified for medical, cosmetics & body care industry segments. Related products usually bought together (cross-sell) with a product most recently added into the basket. Recommender prefers cheaper products (complements). Products are diversified by category to offer variety of different products if possible. In comparison to general basket popup model, it prefers products from more different categories. Basket pop up window product id, user id (optional)