Autocomplete API
Use the autocomplete API endpoint to get a search-as-you-type functionality.
To use this feature, you need to synchronize your product database with Luigi's Box search index. See Indexing the data for more details.
Luigi's Box Autocomplete can learn the best results ordering. In order to enable learning, you need to integrate Luigi's Box Search Analytics service with your website by following the instructions.
We strongly recommend that you do not implement the JSON API directly, but instead use our integrated Autocomplete.js library which allows you to build an autocomplete widget with minimum programming effort.
Get autocomplete results
Required parameters
tracker_id |
Identifier of your site within Luigi's Box. You can see this identifier in every URL in the Luigi's Box app once you are logged-in. |
q |
User input |
type |
Comma separated list of required types and their quantity, e.g. item:6,category:3
Optional parameters
user_id optional
If supplied and is equal to user id collected in analytics, it can drive personalization of results. In case you use identifiers of logged in users (customer_id in analytics), please put the ID of logged in user here and fill in parameter client_id as well. |
client_id optional
Set this parameter to client_id (sent in analytics) in case you store identifier of logged in user into user_id . |
f_type[] optional
Filter, where type part of the parameter name is a name of a requested type. The value itself is using key:value syntax. E.g., use f_item[]=color:green to filter hits of type item which have an attribute color with a value green .You can use several filters in one request, e.g., f_item[]=color:green together with f_brand[]=promoted:true .Filtering on top of numerical and date attributes supports ranges, using pipe as a separator, e.g., f_item[]=price:5|7 . This range can be left open from either side, e.g., f_item[]=price:6| . If a combination of filters for the same field is provided, they are applied with OR . E.g., filters f_item[]=color:green&f_item[]=color:blue will retrieve products, that have either green OR blue color. |
sort_type optional
Sort, where type part of the parameter name is a name of a requested type. The value itself is using key:value syntax. E.g., use sort_item=price_amount:asc to sort hits of type item by their price in ascending order.You can use several sorts in one request, e.g., sort_item=price_amount:asc together with sort_article=introduced_at:desc . |
prefer[] optional
Allows preferation of products. It uses key:value syntax e.g., prefer[]=category:Gadgets to prefer hits according to chosen criteria. Results matching the specified attribute and its value will be sorted higher. Note that unlike f_type , the prefer is applied to all requested types. See Query-time boosting for more details. |
hit_fields optional
A comma separated list of attributes and product parameters. Only these fields (in addition to some default ones) will be retrieved and present in results. If not provided, all fields will be present in results. The use of this feature is recommended. Try to specify only those field that are necessary for the frontent of the autocomplete window. This can help the retrieval of the results to be faster. |
context optional
Refer to context in search for explanation and Multi-warehouse solution for a use-case scenario. |
ctx[] optional
drives model selection, using key:value syntax e.g., ctx[]=warehouse:berlin . you can provide multiple key:value pairs, that are combined into one context definition. order of key:value pairs in request is not important. however, please note that key:value pairs must match one of the contexts which are being reported into luigi's box search analytics. see the multi-warehouse solution and context in analytics for more details. |
non_collapsed_variants optional
Used in conjunction with Variant search. See Variant search for further detail. Does not collapse all variants into singular item and instead retrieves all variants. Use non_collapsed_variants=true to turn on, it is off by default. |
Request Headers
Consider sending request header of Accept-Encoding
as well with values for supported encoding methods of your HTTP client, e.g. gzip
or br, gzip, deflate
for multiple supported methods. Encodings make the response from autocomplete endpoint considerably smaller and thus faster to transfer.
Example request
To invoke the endpoint, use this code (the simplest example):
require 'faraday'
require 'faraday_middleware'
require 'json'
connection = '') do |conn|
conn.use FaradayMiddleware::Gzip
response = connection.get("/autocomplete/v2?q=harry+potter&tracker_id=1234-5678&type=item:5")
if response.success?
puts JSON.pretty_generate(JSON.parse(response.body))
puts "Error, HTTP status #{response.status}"
puts response.body
curl -i -XGET --compressed\
// Using Guzzle (
require 'GuzzleHttp/autoload.php';
$client = new GuzzleHttp\Client();
$res = $client->request('GET', "", [
'headers' => [
'Accept-Encoding' => 'gzip'
echo $res->getStatusCode();
echo $res->getBody();
// This endpoint requires no authentication
// This endpoint requires no body
The above command returns a JSON structured like this. The exact content of attributes field depends on the content of your product catalog.
"exact_match_hits_count": 6,
"partial_match_hits_count": 0,
"partial_match_terms": [],
"hits": [
"url": "",
"attributes": {
"image_link": "",
"description": "Description field from your product catalog",
"categories": [
"title": "<em>Product</em> X",
"title.untouched": "Product X",
"availability_rank_text": "true",
"price": "5.52 EUR",
"condition": "new"
"type": "item",
"updated_at": "2017-11-23T00:00:00+00:00"
"url": "",
"attributes": {
"image_link": "",
"description": "Description field from your product catalog",
"categories": [
"title": "Product Y",
"title.untouched": "<em>Product</em> Y",
"availability_rank_text": "preorder",
"price": "12.14 EUR",
"condition": "new"
"type": "item",
"updated_at": "2017-11-23T00:00:00+00:00"
"campaigns": [
"id": 9,
"target_url": "",
"banners": {
"autocomplete_list": {
"desktop_url": "",
"mobile_url": ""
"id": 12,
"target_url": "",
"banners": {
"autocomplete_top": {
"desktop_url": "",
"mobile_url": ""
"suggested_url": ""
Integration with other Luigi's Box services
Autocomplete endpoint integrates the "fixit" rules that you can set up in the application.
The endpoint will also return a URL of a Fixit redirect if such a rule for this query exists. Look for suggested_url
in response.
The entered search query must be an exact match with a query set in the Fixit rule for the suggested_url
to appear in the response.
On seeing the suggested_url
in the response, you may want to redirect the user directly to this URL instead of submitting the autocomplete query to search.
Autocomplete API response will include data related to banner campaigns set up in the application. Refer to the Banner campaigns documentation for more details.
Query rewrite
Query rewrite is a way to control your search and autocomplete results. You can set up query rewrites in Luigi's Box application and they will have an effect on autocomplete and search results.
If you are using search.js then query rewrite will work out of the box and no integration is necessary on your side.
If you are using API to build search, then you must adapt your code to incorporate some functionality of query rewrite.
Each query rewrite has exactly one search query it responds to (diacritics and case do not matter). You can choose if you want to rewrite query, or keep the original one. You can also define filters, which will be applied to your search requests for given query.
When creating query rewrite, you can choose if you want to admit to the customer, that you have rewritten the original query. You can also define a message, which will be shown in case of applying query rewrite.
"query_rewrite": {
"id": 9,
"original_query": "mini guitar",
"admit_rewrite": true,
"message": "We rewrote your entered query to another with better search results for you."
Sample requests
The requests below use the sample Luigi's Box data. You will have to adapt the examples to your specific situation and adapt:
- The tracker_id parameter
- The type names
Get autocomplete results for several types in a single request
This is the most basic request where you only provide the query and request the types.
Limit results based on a specific attribute
The request below will only return results from the "Ukulele straps" category. This is a slightly contrived example but you may use to filter for gender, warehouse or other use cases.
Limit fields
To achieve better performance, list the fields that you need in the response in hit_fields
Best practices
Avoid proxying requests
If you choose to implement the JSON API, we recommend that you consume it on the frontend side, i.e., directly from the HTML page. This API was designed for this use case and no sensitive information is required to call it (e.g., your private key). Do not proxy calls to Luigi's Box Autocomplete API via your backend servers as this will introduce additional latency.
Prefetch DNS
We recommend that you add DNS prefetch instruction to your HTML code to
avoid the DNS lookup penalty on the first autocomplete request. Add the
following code anywhere to your <head>
to instruct browser to do the DNS
lookup in advance.
<link rel="dns-prefetch" href="//">
Fetch only the fields you will use
To avoid a performance penalty, only request the fields that you will use. Use hit_fields
parameter to list the fields.