
You are reading about requirements for the integration done by the Luigi's Box team. You can safely skip this part of the documentation if you are integrating yourself using either API or Luigi's Box frontend libraries.

The design of the services is delivered in the standard Luigi's Box design which is defined in the Figma document attached below. We will automatically adjust the following styles to match the design of your web:

  • Color scheme
  • Fonts
  • Product tile in search, PLP and recommenders, to match the design of your original product tile.

Other adjustments are possible, but are not included in the standard integration package and may be billed extra using the agreed hourly customization rate.


The design of all of the Luigi's Box services can be customized. Note that this part of the documentation only deals with the scenario where the services are integrated by the Luigi's Box team. When you are integrating the services yourself, either using the API or frontend libraries, you get unlimited flexibility and can implement the design in any way that's most appropriate for your business.

When you request customizations during the onboarding phase, the Luigi's Box team will provide the initial time and price estimate of the amount of work necessary to implement your customizations. Based on the initial estimate, you may adjust the scope of the customizations. In case of more complex customizations, we recommend that you integrate the services yourself using either API or the frontend libraries.